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Absence Reporting & Requests

In case of absence or tardiness of your student, please email our registrar at or call Newcastle Elementary at 425-837-5800 option 1 and leave a brief message. Leave only the following information:

  • Students' name, grade and name of their teacher.
  • Your name and relationship to the student.
  • Date of absence or tardy.
  • Reason for the absence/tardy

If possible please call the night before or before 8 am.  All absences are unexcused until we have heard from a child's parent.

Extended Absences

3 or more days

District Policy on Absences

State law requires our school to closely monitor student absences and their potential impact to the academic progress of students. At times the school may call to ensure strong school support for students and their families.

To help us please consider the following: