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Hello Newcastle Community

General Announcement

King County mailed ballots last week to all registered voters for the February 11th Special Election, which includes Proposition 1 to help fund projects related to school safety, security and easing overcrowding at the high school level. The February bond is a 63% reduction from the November measure, which did not pass; the updated bond proposal would meet only the district's most immediate needs.

Changes Based on Community Feedback After the November Ballot

  • More Focus: Safety, security and high school capacity. 
  • Reduced Costs: From $642.3 million to $231.6 million. 
  • Tax Rate: The February bond is projected to maintain the total combined tax rate of $3.09 per $1,000 assessed property value. This includes current and projected levies. 

For those who would like to learn more about the February 11 Proposition 1, we're sharing the fact sheet about the bond. For a translatable version of the fact sheet, visit our webpage

If you have questions about the bond, please visit our updated bond website or reach out to our team directly at

Please don’t forget to VOTE! 

Dr. Wood