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General Announcement

If you have a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader who loves to sing, look for the email from Mrs. Webb about our famous Newcastle Choir club. We will meet again this year on Wednesdays before school at 8:15, starting next Wednesday September 25th. Talk to your student about this commitment and read more details in our sign-up form:

Message From the Principal

Please join us for Curriculum Night tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10! We will be holding two sessions for the evening, so please review the schedule below to identify the sessions that will be of interest to you.

Message From the Principal

Welcome back! I can’t express how wonderful it was to have all of our first through fifth students back with us today for our first day of school! It was a special time, visiting and checking in with so many of our little ones who are so committed and determined to having a great year of school ahead!


Bond 2024

Today, we're sharing a video of facts about the 2024 School Modernization and Construction Bond, narrated by two of our students. Tune in to hear about the four areas of investment included in the proposed bond measure, which is on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot measure. Information about the bond's proposed improvements is available on our website.

Safety and Security Icon for Announcements

Safety is the foundation for student well-being and the learning environment. When large scale situations arise, district Communications Team members work with principals, school building administrators during and after an incident to ensure we share the appropriate level of details. In today's message, we share more about what to expect in an emergency.

Health and Wellness Icon for Announcements

Our district students, staff, families and community members can all work to build positive protective factors for one another by fostering supportive relationships, teaching and encouraging coping skills, and connecting to health care. As September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we are re-sharing resources that are available to help support all of us.

CTE and STEM Announcement

Pathway Advisory Committees are composed of business and industry members, instructors, current students, former students, post-secondary partners, and parents. The role of the committee is to guide program pathways through continual improvement using members' expertise in the occupational area.

upcoming events

Influence the Choice to host  "Hidden in Plain Sight," a substance abuse exhibit on September 24 from 6-8 p.m. for parents/guardians/caretakers. Middle School students are invited to register for "POMPOW2024," a one-day event to learn about becoming change-makers in the areas of substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion on November 9 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.  Event details enclosed.