Site Council
Site Council Bylaws
The official name of the council is the Newcastle Elementary Site Council (NESC).
- Section 1.The purpose of the Newcastle Elementary Site Council is to provide a forum for collaboration between the school staff, parents, and the community. NESC is established to advance the District’s mission, to prepare students for ‘academic, occupational, personal and practical challenges of life in a dynamic global environment’, through strong shared planning, communication and shared decision-making. As outlined in the district policy, the purpose of NESC is to:
- Provide input to help create and maintain an optimal learning environment at each school,
- Blend the values and perspectives of community, parents, staff and students for effective school-wide results,
- Foster effective communications on key issues among all stakeholders in a school,
- Contribute to creative school-wide planning and problem-solving, and
- Provide school input for the principal and superintendent on matters of District-wide interest.
- Section 2. NESC’s focus is on matters directly and indirectly relating to the improvement of student learning such as:
- school culture and learning climate
- achievement data
- Newcastle Elementary School Improvement Plan and local budget to support it
- effective transition of students to middle school
- enrichment and remedial opportunities for students
- policies/procedures
- safety/security
- deterrents to harassment; fair treatment for all
- support for staff; and their work environment
- concerns related to school rules and student discipline
- planning for and improvement of school facilities
- Section 3. NESC will not focus on matters purely administrative in nature; matters controlled by state and federal law, District policy and /or administrative procedure, external agencies or negotiated contracts; or matters that fail to contribute significantly to the District’s mission.
- Section 1. NESC will ideally include:
- Principal
- Four Parent Representatives
- Parent Representatives will commit to a 2-year term of service
- One PTSA Representative
- Five Staff Representatives
- Staff Representatives should include
- Representative from K-1
- Representative from 2-3
- Representative from 4-5
- Representative from specialists
- Representative from classified staff
- Staff Representatives should include
- Section 1. Council member responsibilities shall fall within the provisions outlined in Article II of these Bylaws and may include but will not be limited to the following:
- Attend NESC meetings.
- Provide input to NESC.
- Participate in NESC discussions.
- Serve on committees when needed.
- Keep NESC informed of any concerns/issues within their committees or constituencies.
- Bring perspective of their committees or constituencies.
- Advise the Principal in the following:
- establishing policies related to improving student learning.
- reviewing long-term goals for the school and reviewing progress towards the goals.
- Appoint representative(s) to serve on committees as requested by the Council and District.
- Provide a forum for comments, suggestions, and concerns related to the school.
- Establish and provide direction to committees for specific purposes and special projects.
- Foster parent involvement, promote parent education, build community teamwork, and assist in communicating school business to the community.
- Section 2. Principal responsibilities shall fall within the provisions outlined in Article II of these Bylaws and may include but will not be limited to the following:
- Sets Agenda and meeting times
- Acts as a NESC participant and represents the interests of students, staff, and community at all times.
- Retains ultimate responsibility and accountability for the school.
- Provides yearly summary of assessment data.
- Provides review of the school’s School Improvement Plan.
- Provides an overview of the budget.
- Reviews policies and procedures as required by the district and/or state or requested by NESC.
- Supplies NESC with information that may help NESC in carrying out its responsibilities.
- Liaison between NESC and Newcastle Elementary Staff.
- Section 1. In addition to the building principal, standing members of the NESC consist of up to 4 parent positions, 1 community representatives and 5 staff positions. Each member will serve up to a two-year term. This will provide for a rotation of NESC members. Elected individuals cannot serve two terms consecutively.
- Section 2. Selection of NESC members will take place in May - September each year.
- Section 3. Members will be recruited through the school newsletter or special bulletin.
- Section 4. Nominating: The NESC will discuss and nominate standing committee members for the next NESC.
- Section 5. A perspective NESC member should meet the following criteria:
- School-Wide Focus. Each member must be able to place individual concerns aside in order to support the good of the whole.
- Strong Communication Skills (good listener, ability to paraphrase, ability to question, etc.)
- Each member must have available time and commitment to attend meetings.
- Each member must support NESC decisions. Once the NESC has voted, the membership shall support the decision.
- Section 6. Persons interested in serving on the NESC will complete a NESC application.
- Section 7. Upon review of the applicants and discussion with the NESC the Principal will select standing members of the next NESC.
- Section 8. Any member who is unexcused from 2 NESC meetings shall have to resign from their position on NESC. NESC’s Nominating Committee will fill the vacated position. The replacement will serve out the remainder of the term. Under extenuating circumstances, NESCU may approve to waive unexcused absences.
- Section 9. Any member who repeatedly and utterly disrupts or impedes NESC in its functions, or who is consistently unreliable in performing assigned tasks, may be removed from membership by a majority vote of NESC.
- Section 1. Meetings will be held up to once a month and no less than once per trimester during the school year. Additional meetings may be called by a majority vote of NESC.
- Section 2. Individuals from the community may request a topic to be added to NESC’s meeting agenda in writing submitted to the Principal. Topics should be appropriate such as those outline in Article II, section ii. In accordance with district policy, comments and concerns relative to school personnel will not be heard in this forum. Any such concerns will be directed to the person with whom one has a concern and/or to the principal.
- Section 3. At the discretion of NESC, closed meetings may be held. The meetings(s) may be held before or after a regular meeting or on a separate date and time. Examples of topics, which may take place in a closed meeting, are; dealing with selection of representatives to serve on committees, or determining the appropriate procedures to process an issue.
- Section 4. A copy of Minutes from each meeting will be provided to NESC members for approval or correction. One copy of approved minutes will be sent to the School Board, one copy published and posted on the school’s website, and additional copies available to the public in the school office.
- Section 5. NESC may create committees as deemed necessary. NESC shall write a statement of purpose for the committee. NESC members may serve on committees, including as chairperson. The chairperson shall maintain a list of members for inclusion in NESC records.
- Section 6. When an issue(s) arises which, requires a vote be taken by the school community, NESC shall conduct the vote.
- Section 7. The NESC may conduct an advisory vote on a matter under NESC purview. The result of an advisory vote is an official recommendation for change to policy or practice submitted to the Principal, Newcastle Elementary Staff, the Issaquah School District Administration, or the Issaquah School District Board, or State Legislature, as deemed appropriate.
- Section 1. NESC shall review the bylaws annually. NESC shall approve these bylaws, and any amendments or changes annually.
- Section 2. NESC shall do a performance review at the close of each school year.
Site Council Meeting Minutes
- Jan. 17, 2025
- Oct. 25, 2024
- May 24, 2024
- Mar. 29, 2024
- Oct. 27, 2023
- May 26, 2023
- Mar. 31, 2023
- Jan. 20, 2023
- Oct. 28, 2022
- May 13, 2022
- Mar. 11, 2022
- Jan. 21, 2022
- Nov. 1, 2021
- Oct. 30, 2020
- Jan. 31, 2020
- Oct. 25, 2019
- May 10, 2019
- Mar. 8, 2019
- Jan. 11, 2019
- Oct. 26, 2018
- Dec. 12, 2017
- Nov. 21, 2017
- Jun. 6, 2017
- Jan. 17, 2017
Jan. 17, 2025
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
January 17, 2025
Tod Wood | Principal | Melissa Padilla Hernandez | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Roya Williams | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Kathy Brandt | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jill Banks | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Daniel Daw | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Fiorella Tapiarene | PTSA Rep |
Absent Members: Daniel Daw, Fiorella Tapiarene
Community Members in Attendance:
I. Review & Introduction of Members
The team reviewed and introduced one another to start off our session together.
II. Title/LAP Presentation – Roya Williams
Roya shared details regarding Newcastle’s Title/LAP program (summarized below):
Title/LAP at Newcastle Over the Years:
Grade Level | 2022-2023 (1.0 FTE) Literacy | 2023-2024 (1.0 FTE) Literacy | 2023-2024 (1.0 FTE) Math | 2024-2025 (1.5 FTE) Literacy | 2024-2025 (1.5 FTE) Math |
Kindergarten | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1st Grade | 9 | 6 | 0 | 13 | 5 |
2nd Grade | 8 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 4 |
3rd Grade | 8 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 5 |
4th Grade | 4 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
5th Grade | 5 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 4 |
Total | 34 | 31 | 12 | 34 | 23 |
Assessments/Rank Order:
- All students take the i-Ready reading and math diagnostics. Students that score “red” on either diagnostic receive a 1:1 diagnostic with a Title/LAP teacher for further screening to determine eligibility.
- All students are ranked using a combination of i-Ready diagnostic scores, Title/LAP 1:1 screener, and previous grade level scores. This rank-order determines which students qualify for the Title/LAP program.
- Groups are filled starting at the top of the rank-ordered list until space is full, leaving a few spots open for new or later-needing students.
- Students are progress monitored every 6–8 weeks.
- Students take i-Ready in fall, winter, and spring, and groups are adjusted based on need.
- A student exits the program only if the classroom teacher believes the student is performing academically in the “middle of the group” without extra support, and parents are notified.
Practices, Strategies, Curriculum:
- Practices: Targeted small group intervention (reading or math) during the school day. Students receive a “double dose” of instruction without missing classroom academic instruction.
- Strategies: Providing explicit and direct instruction targeting academic learning and filling instructional gaps.
- Curriculum: Really Great Reading (phonics), decodable readers, Leveled Literacy Intervention (comprehension), Bridges (math), and other supplemental materials based on student needs.
- Title 1/LAP teachers meet monthly and participate in professional development throughout the year.
- Title/LAP teacher attends Tier 2 and Guidance Team meetings for Title/LAP students.
- Title/LAP teacher collaborates with classroom teachers in November for goal-setting, revised in February and April.
III. Newcastle Auction
- Raise the Paddle: This year, the PTSA aims to raise funds to blacktop a portion of the playground to address muddy areas and provide a dry seating area for recess. Additional funds will be used for painted playground activities to enhance student play options.
- The auction will be moved from the Hyatt to Pickering Barn. This aims to lower the pricing point, ensuring more equitable opportunities for the community.
IV. Open Discussion/Input
- Team members discussed the possibility of rescheduling the March 28 session due to its overlap with the auction date.
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Dates:
- Friday, March 28, 8:00–8:55 a.m. (possible date change being considered)
- Friday, May 23, 8:00–8:55 a.m.
Oct. 25, 2024
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
October 25, 2024
Tod Wood | Principal | Melissa Padilla Hernandez | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Roya Williams | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Kathy Brandt | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jill Banks (Taylor Kassuba) | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Daniel Daw | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Fiorella Tapiarene | PTSA Rep |
Absent Members: Kathy Brandt
Community Members in Attendance:
I. Welcome & Introduction of Members
All members present shared regarding their connection to the school
II. Review of By-Laws
Bylaws were voted upon and approved unanimously
III. Spring Fling/Building Move
- Flood Response/Repairs:
- All repairs have now been completed. The only ongoing issue at this time has to do with the multipurpose rooms sound system, and this is being worked on at this time.
- Recess Activities Coordinator:
- PTSA has provided funding for a Recess Activities Coordinator. This coordinator will carry on the work that was begun last year by Playworks. The Coordinator will be on campus each day to provide activities and games for all students during lunch recesses. They will also build a team of student coaches (Junior Coaches) who will assist with and support play during these recesses.
IV. Newcastle School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The School Improvement Plan for the 2024-26 school years was shared. The SIP includes targeted areas in reading and math to be focused on during this time. The SIP will be shared with the ISD Board of Directors in December.
V. Open Discussion/Input
- Gym floor is done and ready to be used!
- MPR and remaining walls will be repaired over the summer
- MPR had to wait due to inability to close out the cafeteria for 2-3 weeks within the school year – as there is no other space for all of our students to eat meals each day.
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Dates:
- Friday, January 17, 8:00 - 8:55 a.m.
- Friday, March 28, 8:00 - 8:55 a.m.
- Friday, May 23, 8:00 - 8:55 a.m.
May 24, 2024
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
May 24, 2024
Tod Wood | Principal | Kathy Brandt | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Daniel Daw | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Farah Alvi | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jill Banks | 4-5 Teacher Rep |
Rena Han |
Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Crystal Irlandez | PTSA Rep |
Absent Members: Crystal Irlandez, Daniel Daw, Farah Alvi
Community Members in Attendance: Alissa Miller
I. After School Math Program Overview – Alissa Miller
Funded by ISF, serving students in grades 1-5
This year, we supported 51 students with support
II. Staffing Update
Fifth Grade Reduction to 3 sections
Madi Herr to district TOSA position
Angela Graff (4th) Moving – Chelsea Horton hired for 4th grade
Julie Vanourek (2nd) on Maternity Leave – Position Posted
Emily Beckford (K) on Maternity Leave – Michelle Ditore hired for Kindergarten
NEW Section added to Kindergarten (3 sections) – Position Posted
NEW LRC1/2 teacher for TK/Kinder support – Interviewing next week
NEW .5 Title/LAP teacher position – Tiffany Bachman hired
Tiffany Bachman on maternity leave – Long Term Sub – Roya Williams
Shelby Buker (ML), who has been out on Maternity Leave will NOT be returning, so Jennifer Houghton has been hired for that position
III. Spring Fling/Building Move
Will occur on Monday, June 17
LOTS of volunteers are needed for BOTH projects!
IV. Playworks Sustainability Update
Coordinating with PTSA on building a position that will provide daily support during the noon recess periods, including ongoing introduction of new games and training of Junior (student) Coaches.
V. Building Repair Update
Gym floor is done and ready to be used!
MPR and remaining walls will be repaired over the summer
MPR had to wait due to inability to close out the cafeteria for 2-3 weeks within the school year – as there is no other space for all of our students to eat meals each day.
VI. New Member Process
Two new parents will be needed for next year. Please have them contact Dr. Wood to learn more about the application process if interested!
Meeting adjourned at: 8:45 a.m.
Mar. 29, 2024
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
March 29, 2024
Tod Wood | Principal | Kathy Brandt | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Daniel Daw | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Farah Alvi | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Katie Wilhelm | 4-5 Teacher Rep |
Rena Han |
Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Crystal Irlandez | PTSA Rep |
Absent Members: Rena Han, Daniel Daw, Farah Alvi
Community Members in Attendance: Priscilla Hooke
I. Welcome & Introduction of Members
As our previous 4-5 Teacher Representative, Jill Binks, is currently on leave, Katie Wilhelm is stepping in for the remaining sessions this year.
II. Title/LAP Presentation – Priscilla Hooke
Priscilla shared regarding the focus of the reading portion of the Title/LAP program, which is student support in phonics and phonemic awareness. Students are prioritized for service in the Title/LAP program based on need. A rank-order list is created based on the results of the i-Ready diagnostic. This year, the school has also added math intervention using Bridges Math Intervention Tools. This intervention includes a focus on concepts of place value, computation, and fact families (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). This year, 53 students are currently receiving support in Literacy, and 12 students are receiving support in math. This number is anticipated to increase, as the school was recently approved for an additional .5 (half-time) teacher to provide Title/LAP support.
III. Playworks Sustainability Update
Playworks is wrapping up its first year at Newcastle. Current plans are under way to consider the possibility of continuing this partnership during the next school year.
V. Building Repair Update (Due to Broken Pipes)
Most of the building is now operational again – following the damage created when pipes froze and burst in January. The MPR has a temporary floor covering that will be replaced by a new floor this summer. The gymnasium will be having the floor ground and new floor installed prior to the end of the school year. The walls are still in process of being repaired as well. Because of the ongoing use of the MPR for student lunches each day, there isn’t enough time during the school year to make that repair – which is why this portion of the work will need to wait until summer break. At that time, the hallway walls and floor trim that were damaged will also be replaced.
VI. Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:55 a.m.
Next Dates:
- Friday, May 24, 8:00-8:55
Oct. 27, 2023
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
October 27, 2023
Tod Wood | Principal | Kathy Brandt | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Daniel Daw | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Farah Alvi | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jill Binks | 4-5 Teacher Rep |
Rena Han |
Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Crystal Irlandez | PTSA Rep |
Absent Members: Farah Alvi
Community Members in Attendance: Alissa Miller
I. Welcome & Introduction of Members
Council members introduced one another and welcomed newcomers Kathy Brandt, Daniel Daw, and Crystal Irlandez
II. Review of Bylaws
Bylaws were reviewed in advance and approved for the year ahead
III. Newcastle Updates
Playworks has begun at Newcastle. It is a program that not only brings structured play (through organized games) to our recess periods, but also allows opportunities for students to participate as Junior Coaches who lead the games in addition to also seeking to engage and support students on the playground. Junior Coaches are made up of students from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. We are also involving and training parents as part of our Junior Coach support system.
SAEBRS is our school district’s new Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener that is being used to help staff in identifying students in need of support. Teachers in grades K-12 complete a questionnaire addressing each of these important areas. Additionally, something that is part of this system is an opportunity for students in grades 2-12 to also share if they are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing challenges in each of these areas. The hope is that no child will be struggling in any area without the opportunity to receive supportive assistance that leads to success.
V. Newcastle School Improvement Plan (SIP)
A School Improvement Plan is required of every school in Washington State. At Newcastle, the focus is on reading instruction this year. Our building goal this year is that 80% of all students at Newcastle will be reading with proficiency as measured on the Standards Based Assessment (SBA) in the Spring. Additionally, the school has a goal of increasing the performance of Multilingual Learners and Students Receiving Special Education services as measured on the i-Ready diagnostic this Spring as well.
VI. Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:55 a.m.
Next Dates:
- Friday, January 19, 8:00-8:55
- Friday, March 29, 8:00-8:55
- Friday, May 24, 8:00-8:55
May 26, 2023
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
May 26, 2023
Tod Wood | Principal | Hilary Doherty | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Farah Alvi | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jill Binks | 4-5 Teacher Rep |
Rena Han |
Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Todd | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Cherina Todd, Hiruni Weerakoon, Farah Alvi
Community Members in Attendance: Alissa Miller
I. After School Math Program Overview
- Alissa Miller, program coordinator shared regarding the Newcastle Before & After School Math Program
- The program is funded through Issaquah Schools Foundation
- Serves 50 students who come twice a week for 2 weeks
- Identified through specific i-Ready skills that are identified as lacking
- Have seen success in student math growth as a result of the program
- One of the biggest successes is students feeling success in math!
II. Transitional Kindergarten Returning
- Transitional Kindergarten has completed its first year and will be returning in 23-24
- The program serves 15 students from the ISD south end service area
- Kathy Noblat, TK teacher shared regarding some of the positive affects students have demonstrated
III. Staffing Update
- Newcastle has been reduced from 4 sections to 3 sections of 4th grade for next year
- We had one kindergarten teacher who is leaving Newcastle, so a first-grade teacher will be replacing her
- Interviews for the first-grade position occurred yesterday. There were nearly 100 applicants, so a very rich pool!
V. Spring Fling
- Students have been earning the opportunity to vote on activities to build our Spring Fling activity for June 16
- PTSA is helping to coordinate and provide resources to make this an exciting day to wrap up the school year
VI. Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:45
Mar. 31, 2023
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
March 31, 2023
Tod Wood | Principal | Hilary Doherty | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Farah Alvi | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jill Binks | 4-5 Teacher Rep |
Rena Han |
Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Todd | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Trisha Marshall, Hiruni Weerakoon, Farah Alvi
Community Members in Attendance:
I. Parent Representative Recommendations for Next Year?
- We will be looking for 2 new parents to come into rotation for our team next fall.
Members of the team are encouraged to reach out to the community and share regarding potential volunteers to join us for the year ahead!
II. Curriculum Night Timing
- We are reviewing the timing for our fall Curriculum Night for the 23-24 school year. In order to best serve families, we are trying to determine if a 5:30 or 6:00 is better for family schedules.
- Early communication should be helpful for families, since we should be able to finalize this decision before the end of the current school year.
- Teachers will be sharing copies of their presentation slide-decks so that parents unable to be present can review at another time.
III. Playworks (what does that mean for us?)
- We reviewed components for next year’s Playworks recess program. The program will provide opportunities for students to be involved as leaders, as well as providing support for parents who are volunteering at recess.
- Dr. Wood will be meeting with a representative next week to begin working on the details for next year’s program.
- More information will be shared at Curriculum Night through a brief video or detailed slide that teachers can share with parents during their sessions.
V. Community Diversity Team
- Dr. Wood is working on building a Community Diversity Team made up of parents from a broad spectrum of backgrounds to provide feedback and input for school events and practices.
- Hilary Doherty suggested Alicia Spinner from the Issaquah Schools Foundation as a resource
- Bisa Meek was also recommended as a support through the connections developed for this year’s Cultural Fair event.
VI. Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:38 p.m.
Next Date:
- Friday, May 26, 8:00-8:55 p.m.
Jan. 20, 2023
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
January 20, 2023
Tod Wood | Principal | Hilary Doherty | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Rena Han | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jill Binks | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | |||
Cherina Todd | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Hilary Doherty, Cherina Todd
Community Members in Attendance: Priscilla Hooke
I. Welcome & Introduction of Members
- Introduction of Priscilla Hooke, Newcastle Title/LAP teacher to Council members
II. School Improvement Plan (SIP) Review & Input
- All Public Schools in Washington State are required to complete a School Improvement Plan on an annual basis. Newcastle’s 2023 School Improvement Plan was shared with Council members. Newcastle’s area of focus for their plan is reading growth for students The fully edited version of the plan will be available on the Newcastle website in the near future.
III. Title/LAP Presentation – Priscilla Hooke
- Priscilla provided an overview of Newcastle Elementary’s Title/LAP program. The program serves students (about 50 students, grades K-5) most in need in the area of reading, providing small group support to those students on a daily basis.
IV. PBSES Systems/School Code
- Newcastle has a building-wide plan to support and encourage positive behavioral choices by students. Lion Coins are awarded to recognize student behavior, with those coins counting towards classroom and school-wide celebration activities. The school’s Lion Code (for positive behavior) is “Safe, Kind, and Responsible.”
V. Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:55
Next Dates:
- Friday, March 31, 8:00-8:55
- Friday, May 26, 8:00-8:55
Oct. 28, 2022
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
October 28, 2022
Tod Wood | Principal | Mike Atangan | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Marcia O’Donoghue | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Hilary Doherty | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Barfknecht | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Jenny Martin, Cherina Todd, Farah Alvi Community Members in Attendance: None
I. Welcome & Introduction of Members
II. Review of By-Laws
- Transitional Kindergarten (TK) was added to Article III, Section 1 D.a.i to reflect that a representative will be included from TK-1 (rather than K-1).
III. Ongoing Need for Substitute Teachers
- Newcastle is continuing to experience a shortage of substitute teachers at times. Communications regarding the pathway to becoming an “Emergency Substitute” has been shared with our community, with several individuals initiating the process to become a substitute for teachers on our campus. Ideas for continued promotion included sharing additional information regarding the process and experience, as well as having this information shared out by individual teachers with their classroom email lists.
IV. Newcastle Updates
- The district is continuing to follow guidelines from the department of health for our campuses. In most cases, there are now recommendations in place that are at the discretion of the individuals involved (such as the recommendation to wear a mask for days 6-10 following isolation due to a positive COVID test). We have seen limited cases on campus. In the event of an outbreak within a classroom (3 or more cases within a 14-day window), families are notified.
- We have seen a number of indoor recess days due to Air Quality concerns this year. Some suggestions were made regarding the possibility of requesting materials for students to access during indoor recess, as well as the possibility of building a list of parent volunteers available to assist with supervision during indoor recess periods such as these.
- The housing project next to campus is now well underway. The understanding is that there will be 61 homes built as part of this project.
V. In Anticipation of Our 21-22 School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Newcastle will be focusing on reading instruction as part of our SIP this year
- Parents shared regarding the positive impact of Reading Club as well as our Librarian, who assists parent and students in locating books – giving suggestions that are highly personalized to student interest.
- A request was made for creation of a list of the various applications and programs available to families that provide reading support (including read aloud with text for students to follow)
- RAZ Kids and Epic were identified as programs that have been helpful to some families.
- The plan is to develop a list and post it on the Newcastle homepage while also sharing out via email.
VI. Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:55
Next Dates:
- Friday, January 20, 8:00-8:55
- Friday, March 31, 8:00-8:55
- Friday, May 26, 8:00-8:55
May 13, 2022
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
May 13, 2022
Tod Wood | Principal | Mike Atangan | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Marcia O’Donoghue | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Hilary Doherty | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Barfknecht | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Hiruni Weerakoon, Cherina Barfknecht
Community Members in Attendance: Alissa Miller
After School Math Intervention Update
Alissa Miller, coordinator for this year’s math intervention shared regarding the school’s current program. The program, funded by Issaquah Schools Foundation, has been a success in terms of data demonstrating student growth as well as student enjoyment! Many students (and parents) have shared that math in the daily math class has been much easier to understand and more meaningful for students who have been in the program. This year, the program served 50 students in grades 1-5. Students were identified through i-Ready Math as being 1 or more year’s below typical math performance for a student at their grade level. The program is designed to provide skill instruction in areas directly related to each student’s demonstrated need. Data is showing that participants are making significant growth in their math performance at this time.
- Replacement Representatives for Site Council 2022-2023
New Members (22-24):
Farah Alvi (Parent of Kindergarten Student)
Rena Han (Parent of 1st and 5th Grade Students) -
Staffing Update
As within all ISD elementary schools, Newcastle will be losing our PBES & Instructional coaches
Newcastle will be site for a Transitional Kindergarten program (for 4-year-olds)
Kathy Noblat will be teaching the Transitional Kindergarten program
We will have 3 Kindergarten sections, and 4 sections of all other grades
Outside our 2 coaches, all staff is returning with the exception of 1 Leave Replacement teacher. -
2022 Summer Support Program
This year, multiple sites will be used for summer school. The program is free, and Issaquah Schools Foundation is providing funding for transportation. These new changes have greatly reduced the barriers faced by many families whose students could benefit from participation in the summer school program.
- Open Discussion/Input
Mar. 11, 2022
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
March 11, 2022
Tod Wood | Principal | Mike Atangan | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Marcia O’Donoghue | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Hilary Doherty | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Barfknecht | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Cherina Barfknecht, Trisha Marshall
Community Members in Attendance: None
- COVID Protocols Update (Community Questions?)
- Masks will become optional on Monday, March 14
- The 10-day modified quarantine period will continue to be in practice. This means that students who contract COVID must quarantine for 5 days, but may return to school for days 6-10 if they remain fully masked during that time. Optionally, a student may test again after day 5, and if they are NEGATIVE, they will not be required to mask. If they are POSITIVE, they will need to maintain their quarantine for those final 5 days.
- We are still waiting for additional details regarding requirements for our music classes and choir program.
- 2022 NC Self-Assessment: NC Strengths? Areas we can grow?
- Communication has been strong from the district, the building, and our teachers throughout this year. Seesaw has been particularly helpful to some families.
- We have a strong PTSA presence, and positive relationship with teachers and staff.
- Some isolated concerns were expressed regarding classrooms where student performance information is not shared on a regular basis. It would be helpful to families to receive ongoing updates regarding their child’s performance – rather than waiting for information shared between extended periods of time.
- An extended conversation was held regarding potentially partnering with our PTSA to build in bridge of inclusivity for marginalized families. Specific concerns were shared regarding the needs of families from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and language groups that may not be as connected to our school community. Possibilities that came up were seeking leadership representatives from a variety of diverse backgrounds, conducting cultural weeks (each focusing on different cultures represented within our community), and coordinating efforts with identified leaders to better understand how to connect with and support the needs of our community.
- Parent Representative Recommendations for Next Year?
- We will be losing our second-year leaders in June (Mike and Marcia), so we are beginning to look for two-year representatives to fill those positions. Ideally, we would like to continue to seek for diversity in our representation, as well as monitoring our cross-grade level representation for a balanced mix.
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:45
Next Dates: Friday, May 13, 8:00-8:50
Jan. 21, 2022
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
January 21, 2022
Tod Wood | Principal | Mike Atangan | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Marcia O’Donoghue | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Hilary Doherty | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Barfknecht | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: None
Community Members in Attendance: Priscilla Hooke
- Title/LAP Presentation – Priscilla Hooke
- Priscilla shared regarding the Newcastle Title/LAP program.
- School Improvement Plan (SIP) Review & Input
- Team members gave input on the school’s 2022-23 School Improvement Plan. It was explained that the portion focusing on Re-Engagement and Recovery has not typically been part of these plans, but has been included this year to allow schools to address their response to the impact of the school shut-downs and remote learning that occurred over the past two years. In reviewing Parent and Family Engagement, although opportunities are limited, our parent community has been quick to respond (volunteering on the playground and in the library). We typically have a highly involved parent community that continues to be willing to be involved and provide any support possible to our school.
- Ongoing Mitigation & School Status
- Contact tracing and communication with families are occurring on a daily basis at this time. Students continue to mask and follow physical distancing guidelines. Three large carport-style canopies have been purchased and will be used in the outdoor courtyard to allow for students to be seated outside during lunches once we seem to be through the core of our winter weather for the year.
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 8:54
Next Dates: Friday, March 11, 8:00-8:50
Friday, May 13, 8:00-8:50
Nov. 1, 2021
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
November 1, 2021
Tod Wood | Principal | Mike Atangan | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Kathy Noblat | K-1 Teacher Rep | Marcia O’Donoghue | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Hilary Doherty | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Hiruni Weerakoon | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Jenny Martin | Specialist Rep | Trisha Marshall | PTSA Rep | |
Cherina Barfknecht | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Trisha Marshall, Marcia O’Donoghue
Community Members in Attendance: None
- Welcome & Introduction of Members
- Team members introduced themselves to one another and shared regarding their connection(s) to Newcastle Elementary.
- Review of By-Laws
- The team approved our Newcastle By-Laws as currently written.
- Newcastle Update
- Dr. Wood shared regarding ongoing mitigation practices at Newcastle. There have been no outbreaks on our campus, and very few documented positive cases during the year to date.
- Mike Atangan inquired regarding the possibility of including follow-up communications for those impacted by a positive case and/or contact tracing within their student’s classroom. Dr Wood anticipates including that for impacted families moving forward.
- The upcoming efforts by the ISD to provide vaccinations for 5-11 year-old students in conjunction with Costco was discussed. Through research, we learned that siblings who are not currently ISD students (but who fit within the appropriate age category) will be able to be vaccinated during these events as well.
- The ISD is currently facilitating a “Test to Stay” program sponsored by the Department of Health and King County Public Health. A student who is unvaccinated, asymptomatic, and deemed to be a close contact while at school can qualify for Test to Stay. For such Close Contacts, they may continue to attend classes as normal as long as they remain asymptomatic AND their parents agree to 3 separate testing dates (each must each show a negative result) that are scheduled over the course of one week. Additionally, the student must quarantine outside of school (including all extracurricular, after school activities, sports, etc. over the course of the protocol)
- In Anticipation of Our 21-22 School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is required of every school in Washington State. Newcastle will be focusing on Reading as its area of focus for this year’s plan. A draft of the plan will be shared at our next Site Council Session in January.
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Dates: Friday, January 21, 8:00-8:50
Friday, March 11, 8:00-8:50
Friday, May 13, 8:00-8:50
Oct. 30, 2020
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
October 30, 2020
Tod Wood | Principal | Bisa Meek | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Heather Ackermann | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Mike Atangan | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Marcia O’Donoghue | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Karen Nelson | Specialist Rep | Nicole Anderson | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Bisa Meek
Community Members in Attendance: None
- Welcome & Introduction of Members
- Team members took time to introduce themselves via Zoom.
- Review of By-Laws
- By-Laws were reviewed and approved for 2019-20.
- Newcastle Update
- Online Learning/Movement towards Hybrid
- Dr. Wood shared regarding district planning for implementation of an in-person Hybrid model, as those components are being prepared, safety measures being developed, and extensive planning completed in order to be ready to launch as soon as our conditions allow for the school district to give the green light for implementation of an in-person Hybrid model.
- Team members were also called upon to provide ideas/suggestions to help support student engagement during this challenging time. A summary of those ideas included:
- Building up our student council and involving student leaders in development of ideas for activities, spirit days, challenges, and so forth.
- Providing opportunities for students to come together for online activities, games (Pictionary), etc.
- Creating specific challenges for students… so many push-ups in a day, so many pages read, etc.
- Use of brain breaks for kids to hang out and have fun together. Robyn shared that her students had made fortune tellers, engaged in art activities, shared music and dance, and that more kids seemed to join each day that those activities went on.
- Use of breakout rooms where students can use all the Zoom features to have fun together
- Recesses and/or activities with other classes. Karen shared that overlapping students coming and going between Zoom sessions was something that her students have really enjoyed
- Classroom buddies (older and younger classes coming together for activities)
- Working on strategies to engage hesitant/shy students (such as intentional student pairings)
- Small group projects that require student interactions to accomplish the tasks being given
- Teachers have also seen students light up when given “remote control” of the classroom!
- Dr. Wood will be working with his Leadership team to build on, expand, and implement strategies to help build on student engagement throughout our time of Remote Learning.
- School Improvement Plan 2020-21 (SIP)
- The focus of the Newcastle SIP is on math this year. The goal is to see a minimum of 87% of students in grades three through fifth meeting standard on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. In addition, the school is working to specifically increase performance by those Newcastle students who are receiving special education services.
- Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic impacting testing last Spring (and the cancelation of the 2020 SBA), this year’s data will be drawn from i-Ready, a new math program being implemented district wide. In addition, a primary focus this year will be on student engagement.
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 9:00
Next Dates: Friday, January 22, 8:00-9:00
Friday, March 12, 8:00-9:00
Friday, May 7, 8:00-9:00
Jan. 31, 2020
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
January 31, 2020
Tod Wood | Principal | Katie Burris | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Ram Sarma | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Bisa Meek | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Heather Ackermann | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Karen Nelson | Specialist Rep | Nicole Anderson | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Cathy Andrews
Community Members in Attendance: Priscilla Hooke
- LAP Program Review
- Priscilla Hooke shared information regarding the Newcastle Elementary LAP program. (see LAP/Reading Club notes below)
- Changes in Kindergarten Orientation Timeline
- Newcastle will be providing registration support next Wednesday from 2:00 until 6:00 PM.
At 6:00 PM, there will be a Parent Orientation for incoming kindergarten students.
There will be an additional orientation including student participation in the Spring.
- Newcastle will be providing registration support next Wednesday from 2:00 until 6:00 PM.
- Snow Makeup Days
- The current plan is to add any days missed during the school year to the end of the calendar.
At this point, that would mean that our year would be extended by 3 school days.
- The current plan is to add any days missed during the school year to the end of the calendar.
- Student Transitions
- Newcastle 5th grade teachers participated in an exchange with Maywood Middle School.
A teacher from MMS visited at Newcastle for one morning, visiting 5th grade classrooms.
Our 5th grade team and Dr. Wood visited 6th grade classrooms at MMS that same afternoon.
Valuable insights and understanding were gained with the hope that this partnership will grow and strengthen our ability to support students throughout this transition.
- Newcastle 5th grade teachers participated in an exchange with Maywood Middle School.
- Open Discussion/Input
- The importance of building our parent volunteer support team was discussed. One possibility could include expanding our PTSA awareness by engaging students as part of our PTSA general meeting sessions.
Meeting adjourned at: 8:55
Next Dates: Friday, March 13, 8:00-9:00
Friday, May 8, 8:00-9:00
Oct. 25, 2019
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
October 25, 2019
Tod Wood | Principal | Katie Burris | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Ram Sarma | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Bisa Meek | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Heather Ackermann | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Karen Nelson | Specialist Rep | Nicole Anderson | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Ram Sarma, Katie Burris
Community Members in Attendance: Nami Kusunose
- Welcome & Introduction of Members
- Review of By-Laws
- By-Laws were reviewed and approved for 2019-20.
- Newcastle Update
- Population Profile
- This year Newcastle increased by one third-grade section, while shrinking by one section of fourth grade and two sections of kindergarten. The total school population remains around 625.
- SBA Results
- A review of SBA results show that, overall, Newcastle students tend to perform well on the Smarter Balanced Assessments. The school is currently examining data around math performance by student cohort groups from third through fifth grade, as, historically, there has tended to be a downward trend in this area.
- Population Profile
- School Improvement Plan 2020-21 (SIP)
- The focus of the Newcastle SIP is on math this year. The goal is to see a minimum of 87% of students in grades three through fifth meeting standard on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. In addition, the school is working to specifically increase performance by those Newcastle students who are receiving special education services.
- Council members were provided copies of Newcastle’s current SIP and will be reviewing any additional questions or input in the upcoming January session.
- Open Discussion/Input
- The need to provide parents with support resources in the area of math was discussed. Some possibilities include providing parents with Eureka Parent Information sheets and posting examples of math algorithms with use of the SeeSaw app.
Meeting adjourned at: 8:55
Next Dates: Friday, January 31, 8:00-9:00
Friday, March 13, 8:00-9:00
Friday, May 8, 8:00-9:00
May 10, 2019
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
May 10, 2019
Tod Wood | Principal | Katie Burris | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Ram Sarma | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Yvette Blauvelt | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Sarika Sikka | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Laura Berry | Specialist Rep | Heather Ackermann | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members:
Community Members in Attendance:
- Levy Development Committee Community Representative
- The Issaquah School District is seeking representatives from each school community to serve as members of the upcoming Levy Development Committee. The representative does not necessarily need to have students in our school.
- Replacement Representatives for Site Council 2019-2020
- We will be seeking two new members for our Site Council for next year. The positions are both for two years, and applications are available in the Newcastle Elementary office.
- Staffing Update
- Newcastle will be losing one section of kindergarten and fourth grade, but gaining one section of third grade for the 2019-20 school year. This means that we will have one less classroom section than we currently have on campus (down to 31 from our current 32 sections).
- Changes in Math Support
- Due to funding changes, it appears that the Issaquah School Foundation will only be funding the before/after school math program at Title Schools in Issaquah. Because of this, Newcastle will need to be seeking alternative funding sources if this support program is to continue for the next school year.
- Kindergarten Orientation
- Newcastle Elementary’s Kindergarten Orientation is scheduled for next Monday, May 13 at 6:00 PM.
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at:
Mar. 8, 2019
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
March 8, 2019
Tod Wood | Principal | Katie Burris | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Ram Sarma | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Yvette Blauvelt | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Sarika Sikka | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Laura Berry | Specialist Rep | Heather Ackermann | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members:
Community Members in Attendance:
- Science Expo Review
- This year’s event was a huge hit with kids and families who participated
- Appreciation for Expo structure
- Appreciation for non-competitive nature of student projects
- Suggestions for next year:
- Increased communication to teachers and community
- Bring coordinators to 1-2 staff meetings to share and answer questions
- This year’s event was a huge hit with kids and families who participated
- Input for Upcoming Culture Night
- PTA is in early stages of planning
- Input
- Bring reps to staff meeting
- Find ways to include representation from diverse groups
- Seek out translations
- Snow Days and School Access
- Working on maintaining safe access for parents, students, & staff
- Shovel available for portable classrooms would be helpful (they can help w/maintenance)
- Considering possibility of moving parent pick-up down to main road in the event of major snow events
- Working on maintaining safe access for parents, students, & staff
- Kindergarten Enrollment Outreach
- Newcastle is looking for strategies and groups to reach out to in order to communicate information regarding the Kindergarten Enrollment window, timeline, and requirements
- Suggestions from the Site Council Team included…
- Flyers at local library, YMCA and area Starbucks
- Communication with Newport Covenant Church Preschool & Newport Preschool
- Work with Katie Burris, Kindergarten Teachers, & Jenny Martin to identify local feeder preschool and daycare programs.
- Open Discussion/Input
- As the new lanes are painted onto the road at the entrance to the school, is there any way to help avoid through traffic from having to pass the pick-up line directly into the exiting traffic lane?
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Dates: Friday, May 10, 8:00-9:00
Jan. 11, 2019
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
January 11, 2019
Tod Wood | Principal | Katie Burris | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Ram Sarma | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Yvette Blauvelt | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Sarika Sikka | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Laura Berry | Specialist Rep | Heather Ackermann | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members: Laura Korsgaard
Community Members in Attendance: Priscilla Hooke, Edith Delgado
- LAP Program Review
- Priscilla Hooke presented a summary of the LAP program at Newcastle, explaining how students qualify (using rank order), the services provided, and steps for exiting the program. The LAP program at Newcastle currently provides Literacy support for students demonstrating need for additional support.
- Introduction to ELL
- The ELL program at Newcastle serves students for whom English is a second language. The program helps to provide English Language support for those students as they are immersed and integrated into the English speaking community and classrooms at Newcastle. Newcastle currently has two ELL teachers providing services to students, Edith Delgado and Samia Bel Abbes.
- Review of Newcastle’s School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the 2018-19 School Year
- Dr. Wood reviewed Newcastle’s current SIP plan, which focuses on Math growth for students. In addition to supporting Newcastle’s general population, the current SIP specifically seeks out strategies to support those students being served within the Special Education program as well.
- Campus Fencing Update
- The campus fencing project is now complete, and the campus is completely enclosed for student security. There are three gates that are being utilized for students to enter/exit the campus before and after school. Once the after school care program completes each evening at 7:00, the campus gates will be opened to allow community access to the playground.
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Dates: Friday, March 8, 8:00-9:00
Oct. 26, 2018
Newcastle Elementary Site Council
October 26, 2018
Tod Wood | Principal | Katie Burris | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Cathy Andrews | K-1 Teacher Rep | Ram Sarma | Year 1 Parent Rep | |
Robyn Lundberg | 2-3 Teacher Rep | Yvette Blauvelt | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Emily Kallevig | 4-5 Teacher Rep | Sarika Sikka | Year 2 Parent Rep | |
Laura Berry | Specialist Rep | Heather Ackermann | PTSA Rep | |
Laura Korsgaard | Classified Rep |
Absent Members:
Community Members in Attendance:
- Review of By-Laws
- Expanded parent membership on committee from 2 to 4 members, in addition to adding an additional PTSA representative
- Newcastle Update
Population Profile
SBA Results- Newcastle Elementary is continuing to grow and expand, with increased needs for English Language Learner (ELL) and Special Education support services. This has resulted in our instructional services expanding to two full-time staff in each department.
- While Newcastle Elementary continues to perform strongly in all academic areas, we observed a drop in our math cohort data as measured over the past 3 years. Math support strategies and student interventions are both being explored in order to determine the most effective measures
for responding to the needs of individuals within this group of students.
- SIP for the 2017-18 School Year
- We have elected to focus on math as our next three-year cycle. This will be part of our plan to respond to the needs of each student within our cohort group identified through our SBA data.
- Facility Changes
- Safety/Evacuation Plans
- Reviewed regularly with staff and practiced with all students on a monthly basis
- Vestibule
- Installation is now complete, and electronic door mechanisms working properly
- Fencing
- A perimeter fence near the portables as well as a taller fence near the bus loop are both being planned for future installation in order to provide additional student safety
- Safety/Evacuation Plans
- Summary Report of Early Childhood Institute and relevance for Newcastle
- Dr. Wood was invited to participate in a national institute focusing on early childhood (Birth to third grade) education. Much of the conference reinforced the work we are doing in our school focusing on social-emotional well-being, as well as our increasing emphasis on providing equity
and equal access for all students. According to Dr. Wood, summing all of the learning and content from this conference into one statement, it might look like this…- When it comes to “kindergarten readiness,” in our nation, it’s interesting to consider how much time is spent focusing on getting kids ready for the school, and how little time is spent focusing on getting school ready for the kids!
- Dr. Wood was invited to participate in a national institute focusing on early childhood (Birth to third grade) education. Much of the conference reinforced the work we are doing in our school focusing on social-emotional well-being, as well as our increasing emphasis on providing equity
- Open Discussion/Input
Meeting adjourned at: 9:00 AM
Next Dates: Friday, January 11, 8:00-9:00
Friday, March 8, 8:00-9:00
Friday, May 10, 8:00-9:00
Dec. 12, 2017
Newcastle Elementary Site Council Agenda and Minutes
December 12, 2017
Site Council Members:
Rich Mellish, Principal
Nami Kusunose, Dean of Students
Cathy Andrews, Primary Teacher
Robyn Lundberg, Intermediate Teacher
Ali Webb, Specialist
Laura Korsgaard, Classified Lion Club
Angela Ursino, PTSA Co-President
Elysa Piha, PTSA Co-President
Tammy Chin, Parent & Outreach VP
Luisa Gass, Parent & Programs VP
Kelly Stone, Parent at Large
Theressa Rachatto, Parent at Large
The Newcastle Site Council will study, monitor and advise the school leadership in developing a welcoming and inclusive school community and family partnerships.
Site Council Role & Fit
- Site Council
- Academic Leadership Team
- PBSES Leadership Team
- PTSA Board & Committees
- PTSA President – Principal weekly meetings
- Equity Team TBD
Site Council Vision
- Goal (review & edit)
Current Family Engagement Efforts: What are some ways we currently engage families and promote an inclusive school community?
- Family nights (whole school) Costume, Culture Fair, Science?
- Movie nights (grade bands)
- PIE Night, Curriculum Night, STEM Night
- Conferences
- Meet the Teachers
- Some grade level or class celebrations or presentations
- Concerts
- Volunteering (ex: Art Docent, help with clerical, classroom volunteers,
- Availability of staff
- ?Dojo, Remind, Seesaw
- New family tours & brochure & orientations
- E-news
- Kinderconnection
- Auction & Auction events
Possible Coordination or Enhancements: What are some ways we could grow our practices toward our goal?
- How to be inclusive of working parents (later meet the teacher was easier)
- More during-day grade level opportunities for parents
- Communication platform – training, more uniform?, support for technology…
- New family welcome (from a parent volunteer)
- How can we get to know families? Profile – newsletter, bulletin board???
- School museum
- *Equity team – linkage with district,
- Connect with district events
- Space issues – whole school v break-outs (parking, multiple kids, room in commons…)
- **Even more bringing like-groups together (grade levels…)
Nov. 21, 2017
Newcastle Elementary Site Council Agenda and Minutes
November 21, 2017
Site Council SIP & LAP Meeting
Presentation of the Learning Assistance Program Plan by Priscilla Hooke
Notes: Services include pull-out and push-in and boot-camp models. Serving reading K-5 with additional support provided by PTSA funding. Also adding social-emotional needs as we are seeing more students with academic concerns also having social emotional concerns.
Presentation of the School Improvement Plan draft by Rich Mellish
Notes: This will be year will be year 3 of a 3-year SIP focused on Math Problem Solving and Reasoning as well as implementation of PBSES / Social Emotional Learning. We met last year’s benchmark and particularly are celebrating our gap closing goal around students who have been in ELL closing achievement gaps.
All Students SIP Goal:
Increase the percent of at/near standard or above standard scores in SBA Problem Solving & Communication claims for ALL students from 87.4% to 92% by the spring of 2018.
Gap Group SIP Goal:
For students who have received or currently are receiving ELL services, increase overall proficiency in Math so that they perform within 10% of overall population in 3rd grade and 5% of overall population by 5th grade.
In attendance: Rich Mellish, Angela Ursino, Elysa Piha, Nami Kusunose
Jun. 6, 2017
Newcastle Elementary Site Council Agenda and Minutes
June 6, 2017
Site Council Representatives:
Rich Mellish, Principal
Nami Kusunose, Dean of Students
Alissa Miller, Primary Teacher
Robyn Lundberg, Intermediate Teacher
Seth Miller, Specialist
Joni Hamasaki, Classified Lion Club
Richard Crispo, Community Rep
JuliAnne Diesch, PTSA
Peter O’Donaghue, Parent
OPEN, Parent
Briana Heim, Parent
Focus Goals:
The Newcastle Site Council will study, monitor and advise the school leadership toward the following goal areas:
1. Developing our School Community.
Continue the development of our school as a place where families are embraced, supported and connected to the school, each other and the greater Newcastle community.
2. Growing our Culture of Kindness.
Further grow systems and practices that
- encourage a culture of kindness characterized by mutual respect, shared responsibility and embracing differences as students develop learning and social skills; support and encourage resiliency and responsible risk taking; and
- foster high expectations for academic achievement and growth without placing unhealthy levels of stress and pressure on children.
June 6. 2017 Agenda (notes in Yellow background)
Site Council ByLaws Revision
Richard Mellish Presented proposed bylaws revisions as emailed prior to meeting.
Bylaws approved by consensus
Jan. 17, 2017
Newcastle Elementary Site Council Agenda and Minutes
June 6, 2017
Site Council Representatives:
Rich Mellish, Principal
Nami Kusunose, Dean of Students
Alissa Miller, Primary Teacher
Robyn Lundberg, Intermediate Teacher
Seth Miller, Specialist
Joni Hamasaki, Classified Lion Club
Richard Crispo, Community Rep
JuliAnne Diesch, PTSA
Peter O’Donaghue, Parent
OPEN, Parent
Briana Heim, Parent
Focus Goals:
The Newcastle Site Council will study, monitor and advise the school leadership toward the following goal areas:
1. Developing our School Community.
Continue the development of our school as a place where families are embraced, supported and connected to the school, each other and the greater Newcastle community.
2. Growing our Culture of Kindness.
Further grow systems and practices that
- encourage a culture of kindness characterized by mutual respect, shared responsibility and embracing differences as students develop learning and social skills; support and encourage resiliency and responsible risk taking; and
- foster high expectations for academic achievement and growth without placing unhealthy levels of stress and pressure on children.
January 17, 2017 Agenda (notes in Yellow background)
SIP Plan Overview:
Continuing Family Engagement Programs (*updates)
- Family Connections (Nancy Ko & Tammy Chinn)
- Family Events 3x/yr
- KinderConnect
- Auction
- Culture & Diversity Committee (Rich Mellish & Chris Longfellow)
- Culture Fair: Moved to May*
- PIE Night: “If you give a reader a book…”
- Math & STEM Night
- New family tours, orientations
- Regular Communications, Websites…
- Enrollment Fair, Orientations*
- Site Council Timeline & Role revisited
- Spring to Spring – to plan for fall engagement
- Selecting one active role
- Survey Questions*
- Questions that explore low long families have been involved with NCE, the community and in our region/country
- Questions that explore resource needs such as after school care, activities, language support, academic support (tutoring)…
- Questions that explore volunteering…
- Ability to volunteer
- Interest
- Do people feel invited to volunteer
- Do people feel it is easy
- What types of volunteering is of interest
Next Meeting Dates: Feb 14, Apr 11, June 13